Monday, February 28, 2011

             Physical Infidelity vs Emotional Infidelity
I was at school today in the student union when I came across a table that was giving out free candy bars for filling out a survey. It was a survey for the psych department and I decided to check it out. 
An example question on the survey looked like this:
"On a scale of 1-10, 1 being Strongly Disagree and 10 Being strongly agree what would you say the degree of hurt you would feel if your partner had emotionally cheated on you?"
The same question question was asked about the hurt I would feel if my partner cheated on me physically and It got me thinking. I would be so very hurt if any of these things happened.......BUT WAIT...
The survey then asked me to choose which act would hurt me more... Physical or Emotional Infidelity and I was "STUMPED"
I knew that I would be hurt either way but if I knew my boyfriend had fallen out of love with me so easily and I was in love with him still, it might be worse because then I would wonder what I may have done wrong or what I could have done better.  
On the other hand if my boyfriend physically cheated on me I would know that in his heart he didnt really love me anyways so I am stuck in the middle, but I had to choose and guess what I chose?
So then I asked my boyfriend and he said Physical.
Here I am confused and wondering why he chose physical and his explanation was that if I had emotionally cheated on him it wouldnt be on purpose but physically cheated on him would be. 
I came to the conclusion that it is more likely that women would hurt more if they were emotionally cheated on rather than physically. And men the complete opposite but I still dont know why :/ What do you say on this topic...if you care to add??

I Only Have Eyes For You

I Only Have Eyes For You........  This is an interesting concept in any relationship. Dont we say this to the one we love on Hallmark cards on our anniversaries and on Valentines day? Well what does it really mean. We know it doesnt literally mean "the eyes we have are only used to look at you." That would be funny though :) We are trying to say that we can not see ourselves falling in love with anyone else. Even though this is true for many people you cant help but listen to magazine articles and movies that depict a man who says "well it doesnt hurt to look, it is my guilty pleasure, but I love my girlfriend or wife." Do we believe this? It can be close to impossible to really know what is going on in your mans head when he takes a second glance at the waiter when she walks away (although lucky me, i have not encountered this problem in my presence) It happens to many women around the world. So does this "I Only Have Eyes For You" saying stand true for your relationship?